Monday, January 28, 2013

An Update

Just a tiny update on the life of Lyra.

I've been really busy lately (start of a new quarter and I'm taking way more classes, I'm sure the students out there feel it too), but I have a lot of big plans for the blog.

A few albums that recently came out that I've been meaning to get around to:

aaaaand something that may interest you SoCal readers here.

I've been getting a lot of emails commenting on the blog or asking me to listen to a band or artist.  I want to say: thank you!! It's great to hear from people, and I love hearing new music always.  So,  please keep emailing me and letting me know what you think!

The twitter has been working well too: thank you to all my followers and people shooting tweets to me.

In essence, I'm really glad with the way the blog has progressed, considering how recently I started it.  So I just want to say thanks to my readers.  You are all appreciated.

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