Saturday, December 22, 2012

Modern: Songs of Love and Despair 7/10

Songs of Love & Despair cover art

There's something endearing about The ABIGAILS' oddly depressing and too-short songs and Warren Thomas' ridiculously low and sometimes slightly flat vocals.  Their new take on country style is interesting, and although this isn't a great album (most of the songs are basically the same thing), it's still cute to listen to when drowning your misery in spirits and wallowing in your sorrows at the local bar.  Or doing whatever it is you do when you feel like being overdramatic and stereotypically depressed (because it definitely does feel nice to just whine and complain about how unfair life is every once in a while).  Just like the title says - songs of love and despair.  Give it a run-through, it's a nice change.  Also, not gonnna lie, I love this album cover.  It's funny in a dark not-really-funny way, just like the songs on this album.

Better than listening to the mix CD your ex gave you over and over after your messy break-up.

Listen to it here

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