Thursday, December 6, 2012

Modern: Josephine EP 6/10

I hadn't heard of The Pharmacy or any of their music before giving this EP a listen a few times through - this turned out to be one of my better life decisions.  There's something oddly charming about their sound; the driving pace of each song, the imperfections in Scott Yoder's vocals, the occasional distortion thrown in which takes you by surprise and adds a satisfactorily dark touch to an otherwise upbeat song.  Each of these distinguishes The Pharmacy from an average 2012 pop/indie rock band - they add their own messy touch to (in this day and age) factory-made music, which may be unusual, but they make it fit perfectly.  This EP definitely left me wanting more (which is easily available, as they just released a new album: Stoned and Alone.)
Listen to it here

Artist Review on The Pharmacy coming soon!

(another note: The Pharmacy is currently touring! Although I don't think I'll be able to make it to one of their shows. Sad face. But anyways, check out the next stop of the Stoned and Alone USA 2012 Tour here)

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